Amazon Prime Video’s ‘Watch Party’ Now in India. Here’s How to Set It Up

Amazon Prime Video’s ‘Watch Party’ Now in India. Here’s How to Set It Up

 Amazon Prime Video's "Watch Party" highlight — like how the outsider Netflix Party expansion functions — is presently accessible in India. "Watch Party" permits you to transfer a Prime Video title with up to 100 loved ones (as long as everybody included additionally has an Amazon Prime enrollment) and visit with them in a sidebar. Amazon deals with video and sound synchronization, you should simply pick a title (and get the popcorn). With this, Amazon turns into the first significant streaming stage in Quite a while to think of a gathering watch highlight of its own, that works all over. 

To begin, head over to in a Web program. Amazon's "Watch Party" is presently restricted to PC programs, for example, Chrome and Firefox. (Safari and Internet Explorer are not upheld.) Once you're signed in, discover the title you're keen on viewing with others. On the cover sheet, you should see a Watch Party button (as beneath). For TV shows, the Watch Party button is additionally accessible close to each individual scene. When you click Watch Party, you will be approached to choose a talk name before you can hit Create Watch Party (as above). You'll be then given a connection you can impart to other people 

Your loved ones must utilize a PC program too, to join your Amazon Prime Video "Watch Party". The individual who made the Watch Party will approach video controls, including stop, play, rewind, and quick forward, Amazon notes. This is not normal for Netflix Party, where everybody on the stream can delay, play, rewind, and quick forward. However, with Amazon's "Watch Party", the main control for members is your decision of sound and caption language. This is preposterous with Netflix Party, on the grounds that the program expansion has not been made by Netflix itself. 

Amazon initially turned out "Watch Party" in the US back in July. On the off chance that you are wanting to watch Prime Video with your loved ones in the US, you'll be baffled to realize that — in contrast to Netflix Party — Amazon's "Watch Party" doesn't work across fringes.